Monday, April 30, 2007

Spider Man

The story is a man bitted by a mutation spider, and he gets a ability of spider. In this movie, Spider man have to combat the enemy and the enemy come from his mind. Many fans look forward to the enemy, because the foeman is very important in the comic book. I want to watch the movie as well. However, I have a big problem which I do not many money to cost

Monday, April 23, 2007

Pan's Labyrinth

This is a very good movie. I want to watch it very much, and I wait for it producing for a long time from last September to April. Why do I want to watch it? Because it’s comment is very great in the magazine and got many big awards, I want to do it. And I get news that it producing in the National Taiwan University is very popular and if the one is arrive it behindhand, he or she don’t watch it.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Teletubbies baby

Now, in our class, we are vary crazy about the Teletubbies baby, especially Tinky Winky. The baby is the tallest in the four babies and he (or she) is amethyst and his belly has a TV. This is very terror thing. In our calss, we usually listen to a song, the song of Tinky Winky,and he is a a person of talent,. By the way, my classmate imitate the baby very much. Final , I po the song website.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Miraculous Nature

The picture is a bug and the bug appearance such likes a Buddha face. It has the nose, the eyes, and the mouth also can smile.